SP “Beat Poetry”

Download SP – Beat Poetry (right click and select “Save Link As…” or “Save Target As…”)

01.  Intro

02.  Inner Peace

03.  Tryins Dyin

04.  Shelter (Feat. Sulaiman)

05.  Dolls

06.  Midway

07.  Karma

08. Boil (Feat. IQ)

09. Beat Poetry

10. Breathe

Here is the front and back of the insert that was included in the first cassette version of “Beat Poetry” that I received from SP. Everything was homemade and on the cheap. No one had money for professional printing and duplication services back then. What was important was getting the music out and being heard.

And here is the front and back of the cassette.

When the price of home PC’s and CD burners started to become more affordable, SP started making a CD-version of “Beat Poetry” with all the same tracks. Here is the jewel case front insert.

And here is the jewel tray insert.

For more on the Starving Artists Crew, be sure to check out my “Old School Hip Hop“, “IQ – Pay Attention“, “Cultural Vibe 2003“, “SAC Lunch: Up Pops The Mega-Mix“, “Starving Artists Crew – Efil4cas“, and “SP – Movin’ Along” posts!

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